Improve your employability, by answering these questions

Improve your employability, by answering these questions

My dear reader, I wish the best for you. May you succeed in your profession. May good things happen and you get far more than you ever asked for. I hope you get employment as per potential. Therefore, today I’ll ask you a question rather bluntly. What is your true worth outside your office? What [...]

Hiring for your product startup – Best practices to succeed

Hiring for your product startup – Best practices to succeed

If you’ve never hired for your product startup, then you can face challenges in the beginning. Especially if your firm is bootstrapped. It’s not that you hire good people from well-known companies and that will be sufficient. If you’ve worked with a leading brand, then you’ll always have good people applying to your company. The [...]

Life of an entrepreneur- what one does in Tech startups

Life of an entrepreneur- what one does in Tech startups

May good things happen to good humans, who want to be entrepreneurs. I pray they’re able to succeed in their dreams and bring a good idea to life. A good creation brings happiness for everyone. The world is a better place because entrepreneurs exist. After graduating from college, me and my batch mates worked for [...]